Friday, April 29, 2016

#InternationalDanceDay : 5 videos that will get you dancing today

From hilarious to awe-inspiring, dance has shown us all. On International Dance Day, here's a list of videos (that also includes Mr. Bean!) to celebrate dance.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

New Facebook, Messenger and Instagram apps arrive for Windows 10

After Facebook’s stellar quarter, which sees users spending massive amounts of time on its mobile apps, including Facebook, Messenger and Instagram, the company announced this morning it’s bringing this popular trio of apps to Windows 10. Facebook and Messenger are now rolling out to Windows 10 on the desktop and Instagram is arriving on Windows 10 mobile.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wall Street remains optimistic about 'iPhone 7' & Apple's 2017 after Q2 declines

technology, apple, wall street, usa, Wall Street remains optimistic about 'iPhone 7' & Apple's 2017 after Q2 declines Analysts on Wall Street were pushing optimism after Apple's disappointing fiscal 2016 second quarter earnings, saying they expect that the company will continue to innovate and will return to growth over the next year. - Consolidating Private Student Loans -

Saturday, April 23, 2016

First night at a new place causes sleeplessness due to night watchfulness

First night at a new place causes sleeplessness due to night watchfulness, health, woman, breast, fuck Many of you must have experienced a half slept night when you slept in a hotel room during vacation. First night spent in an unfamiliar place provide not as quality sleep as one can have on his personal bed at home. A new study suggests that a part of the brain remains awake for the sake of watchfulness when one spends first night in a new environment. - Make money online with blogging -

Childhood cancer survivors live longer but may suffer chronic illnesses

health, child, kids, lifestyle, Childhood cancer survivors live longer but may suffer chronic illnesses A research to analyze quality of life for childhood cancer survivors concluded that though treatment for childhood cancers is possible and a child with cancer get many more years to live, the patient usually develop a health which is proportionate to the health of a 40 year old. Consequently, childhood cancers survivors remain prone to chronic health issues throughout their life time. - Students Debt Consolidation Loans -