Monday, January 14, 2013


What's up buddy money hunter wherever you are. Who is not familiar with virtapay (VP), which is one virtual bank that provides a balance of $ 100 is free to all members, and provide a daily bonus of up to $ 40 (meaning you have to log in every day to get this bonus), and also provides a bonus of $ 25 if There are sign up through your referral link.

But unfortunately, because virtapay is a scam program. Why? Why be a scam? Because of the money that you earn in this program you can not melt into a local bank in your country. That is, the balance is just a toy, where you can only trade among members virtapay and some merchandise that has been working with the owners of this bank.

However, after a few years of this virtual bank was established, it still can not disburse the money.

But today there is good news for you all, because now you are able to redeem the balance of virtapay you to one of the largest and trusted virtual bank in the world with Liberty Reserve.


virtapay payment proof

The way is easy, there are two terms that you must fulfill, namely :

1. Make sure you have Virtapay account balances $ 500.

2. Make sure you already have an account with Liberty Reserve. (If it has not yet, please sign up for free here).

After both the above conditions are met, it's time you go to this link, then select the menu''. And content of the data fit the existing form.


And you're just waiting for the next disbursement in your LR account. Good luck...

1 comment:

  1. Ehhh... Still sounds a bit scammy to me. I'll stick with AdSense and Amazon.


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