Sex is healthy and regularly is known to improve one's health. Even sex can address health issues such as reducing pain, coping with stress, health, and even keeping your vital organs. In order to be healthy, do sex only with your legal spouse yes.
Here are 7 reasons why sex is good for overall body health, among others :
1. Reduce pain
Stimulation of the clitoris and the vaginal wall may trigger the release of endorphins, corticosteroids, painkillers and other natural. So that sex can relieve headaches and muscle aches. "Even if the sex to reach orgasm, the benefits can last for two days," said Barry Komisaruk, PhD, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University and author of "The Science of Orgasm". In his research, Komisaruk found that women could resist painful pressure on his finger while he is stimulated with sex toys, during orgasm, with a tolerance of up to 2-fold.
2. Lower breast cancer risk
The hormone oxytocin and DHEA increased during sex can help keep breast cancer free. One study showed that women who had sex more than once a month had a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who are less sexually active. Researchers from Greece have also found that men who had at least seven orgasms a month had a lower risk of breast cancer of men.
3. Maintaining heart health
Sex has a heart-healthy benefits because during sex, such as exercising heart. It can strengthen the heart, especially when one reaches orgasm. When the orgasm, the heart can beat up to 110 times per minute, like when you walk fast or jog.
4. Prevent prostate cancer
In 2003, a study in Australia found that middle-aged men who had an average of at least 4 times ejaculation for a week have a lower risk of prostate cancer than other men who ejaculated less. "This is because ejaculation can reduce blockages in the penis," says Irwin Goldstein, MD, a sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital.
5. Relieve stress
A study conducted in 2005 found that men and women who have sex 2 weeks before going through a stressful day can pass through more easily. Sistolik blood pressure to rise and then fall back to normal levels more quickly than those who do not have sex or masturbate.
6. Boost the immune system
Research from Wilkes University shows that people who engage in sex once or 2 times a week had antibody levels 30 percent higher than those who do not have sex. In 2004, German scientists showed that arousal and orgasm in men can lower levels of certain pathogens fighting white blood cells. The effect is comparable to kegaiatan stress relievers, such as sports and listening to music, which also increases the secretion of proteins to defend the body against infection.
7. Maintain vaginal health
Scientists in New Jersey found that postmenopausal women who have sex more than 10 times a year has a healthy vagina than women who rarely have sex. Sexual arousal increases blood flow to the vagina, the flow of nutrients and more oxygen into the vagina.
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