Getting lost in the woods and even ran out of food probably never imagined in your mind. So what if this happens? One way to survive is to take 10 plants of this forest. But apparently, not all the plants in the forest man deserves to be eaten. One-wrong choice could be fatal such as indigestion.
The following are plants that you will find in the woods and can be eaten to help you survive in the jungle:
1. Cloverleaf
Maybe you've seen there is little grass in the basement, and have leaves shaped like hearts. This is commonly called leaf clover or clover. Not hard to find grass-clover. These grasses include cosmopolitan or easily found on the plains, including Indonesia's forests. Well, when lost, this is the easiest plant you are looking for groceries. Just take the leaves and wash later consumption.
2. Pineapple
Pineapple is not only to be found in the yard or fields only. Plants included in interest-nanasan Bromeliaceae or pineapple can be found in some forests in Indonesia. If you see a pineapple fruit is ripe, you can eat the fruit. Take out your knife and cut the meat into small pieces. If carrying salt, pineapple should be soaked first in salt water to minimize sap.
3. Begonia
You know begonia plant? Usually these plants on display in front of the house as a decoration. Well, it turns out begonia is also found in the forest. Characteristics of this plant is the stalk until the furry leaves. Although hairy plants usually not suitable for consumption, begonia you can use as a food ingredient if you're lost in the woods. Cut the leaves and stems into small pieces before eating. If you bring cooking utensils, should be boiled before consumption.
4. Banana
Well, who is not familiar with a banana? The fruit that comes from the family Musaceae can usually be found in the forest which was inhabited monkeys or apes. Simply grab the fruit is ripe, you eat them. What if you found a banana tree, not fruit? Do not worry, cut the banana stem. Take the young stems in the very center of the trunk. The young stems are edible, although it feels fresh.
5. Pohpohan
Pohpohan is one of the plants that are commonly used as vegetables in homes. Leafed plant is apparently found in Indonesian jungle. Usually, the part that is often consumed pohpohan part the young ones.
6. Nails vegetable
One of the plants that are found in the forest, especially Indonesia's forests are kinds of ferns. Ferns characterized by serrated leaves, and usually there are many spore sac as black spots on the underside of leaves. Well, if you meet the characteristics of plants such as the above, then you are faced with ferns. This plant is also commonly used as vegetables, so-called nail vegetables. Just like pohpohan, the ferns that can be enjoyed are the young ones.
7. Rattan
Well, besides other plants spikes which are found in Indonesia's forests are rattan. Typically rattan forest to the main enemy of the climbers because of spines covering the entire trunk. But apparently this plant can be a friend when you get lost. Fruits of young rattan safe to eat immediately. While the trunk that can store water to drink.
8. Fruit lo
Maybe you've never heard of him. It is produced from the fruit trees elow. Some areas call it by name or elow lo fruit. Just like other plants, fruit lo be found in the forest. The fruit is round with a slightly shiny green skin. If cut, you can see the inside of the fruit filled with many small seeds, such as the inside of jackfruit. Lo fruit can be eaten raw or boiled. Today feels a little raw fruit is sour, but after boiling the fruit is sweet.
9. Bamboo
When lost and ran out of food, look to your surroundings, once there is a bamboo tree. If there is to take the base of young bamboo commonly called bamboo shoots. Cut into pieces to small and consumption bitter part.
10. Selaginella
One more plants that are found in the forest, which selaginella. This is a small-leaved plants such as other kinds of ferns. Yes, selaginella are included in the nails. Generally, selaginella leaves are green, but do not worry if you see the leaf is blue or red. Selaginella can indeed function as a determinant of acid-base land level. How to eat to be a little careful, wash the leaves and cut into small pieces.
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